Accreditation Agency in Norway and Contact Details
Accreditation is an activity initiated by the institution that requires a strict self-evaluation and an independent, objective assessment of the overall educational quality. It is a procedure of validation in which University colleges, universities and other institutions of higher education are assessed. The objective is to improve the effectiveness, quality and internationalization in education.
The first step any prospective student should take before enrolling in a college or university is to verify whether or not the university/institution is accredited by a recognized accrediting agency.
Accrediting Authorities
a. The Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT)
NOKUT is an autonomous public authority, established by law in 2002 and began its activities in 2003. The primary purpose of NOKUT is to monitor and assist in developing the quality of higher education in Norway by accreditation of institutions and course provisions as well as by evaluating systems for quality assurance.
Types of accreditation: The NOKUT grants two types of accreditation: programme and institutional accreditation.
- Institutional accreditation gives universities and colleges certain rights to award national degrees or diplomas.
- Programme accreditation may be obtained for specific courses or programs that the institution is not institutionally accredited to provide.
b. The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education (SIU)
SIU was established as an administrative agency under the Ministry of Education and Research in 2004 for international programmes and standards related to education and training. SIU is also responsible for promoting Norway as an education and research destination, as well as offering information and consultative services within the field of internationalization in education.
For latest updates see official website of Ministry of Education and Research, Norway